Since I've recently speculated and subsequently confirmed I don't have much to do during my single life time (roughly 9:30 to 11:00 weeknights), and lately said time has been spent half-engaging familiar Seinfeld reruns while half-heartedly playing laptop solitaire and simultaneously skimming obscure Wikipedia entries, I've decided it's time for an Idle to Give Back (exactly like when they use a movie's title in character dialogue and you think, "Wow, I so get it now! The movie's called 'Sick of Killing Time,' and the character just said she was sick of killing time!")
P.S. I already sorta kinda had a blog on MySpace which I made private for no valid reason (I reported about one friend request a quarter, to give you an idea of my rampant popularity). So depending on how I feel, I may just do the old switcheroo (damn those Seinfeld reruns) and post an old blog. Not that you'll be able to tell the difference.
According to recent global scientific population studies, there are roughly 8.4 billion registered blogs and only 3.9 billion online users, so you may be asking yourself: "Other than my own uninspired life and voyeuristic tendencies, why should I commit to typing in 'Idl' every hour/day/week, having my URL box populate accordingly and hitting return?"
Well, three reasons:
A) Just check in once a week for now; hourly would scare me if I came to find out. As long as we're on the subject, I'd prefer if you dropped in Wednesdays before midnight.
2) This site is primarily for my extremely skewed and often unrecognizable recap of events, so I likely won't link every minute reference for your cultural convenience. That's not to say I won't have occasional tidal waves of inadequacy and self-doubt if you don't comment in a thoughtful way that doesn't compel me to respond to reader questions. So on that note, please keep all questions rhetorical in nature.
and, C) Because, trust me, you aren't going to find too many 20-something committed non-Mormon openly gay men from Utah who have an Irish Terrier to make up for the fact that they have no real distinguishing factors themselves other than being a 20-something committed non-Mormon openly gay man from Utah.
If I develop a following, and by this prodigious start I most certainly will, I might suggest Idle Worshippers as a fun, catchy and conformist moniker. Think about it.
10 years ago
1 comment:
What's rhetorical?
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