Thursday, July 31, 2008

Running for office

In my down time I like to impose my face on images of Stranger's with Candy's Jerri Blank, played by the brilliant Amy Sedaris. Anyone who knows a thing about me knows that I love the short-lived show (the movie? Another matter), and I incorporate Jerrisms into my daily life with somewhat similar, er, flair. I'd take the opportunity to quote but some people wouldn't appreciate it anyway, even when taken in context and with imagined Jerri delivery. My love of Strangers with Candy is at least a very lengthy blog post unto itself. But let's get to the repugnance:

While I'm by no means a master touch-up artist (I had to convert this to grayscale because of skin color mismatching, after all), I still am equally parts pleased and disturbed that I can create some semblance of such a hideous, yet strangely relatable, character. Plus, we could all use a dose of Jerri-tics after the past eight years.


Daybreaking Dickersons said...

I've always said stealing TV's isn't a crime. I figure if you can carry something that big by yourself. It's yours. Oh yea, of course I'm for the incest.

Dr Zibbs said...

Not too shabby. As for SWC - it's one of the funniest shows ever.