Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sunday brunch banter

Him: This [live] lesbian acoustic jam is not getting me closer to fine.


Her: You remember Sonique, right? When her mom found out she was pregnant with her, she went on this drinking and smoking binge for like the first trimester to try to get rid of it...I mean Sonique's not mentally screwed up or anything, but she was like born with no teeth.

Him: Oh my God! No teeth?!

Him2: Well, most babies are born with no teeth.*

Him: Oh yeah! That's right, huh?

*I know, technically babies are born with unexposed teeth. And this footnote pretty much reveals me to be the speaker of this line.


Daybreaking Dickersons said...

Um, I didn't really know babies had unexposed teeth. I thought they just appeared magically. So I'm as dumb as you... as least in this category.

mandorama said...

Him = Paul?