Monday, April 6, 2009

The Beelzebub Bunnies

Easter is a time for rejuvenation, rebirth and new life. Hence, notoriously fertile, furry rabbits and bunnies are appropriately-invoked symbols. However, after stumbling upon these two (rabid) rabbits last year at the discount retailer HomeGoods (1/28/08 to whomever else is reportedly circulating a photo), it would do my heart some good not thinking of these two going at it like...well, you know...replenishing the Earth with 100% pure eee-vul.

Besides noticing those background hanging lights that in any other setting would indicate the mother ship touching down, I'm thoroughly convinced this demonic duo was placed to scare naughty, and good, children into submission. And the ridiculous price tag of $60 (each!) could only suggest that they were hand-crafted from the fiery pits of hell. How else to explain the male's sinister look like he's about to snatch a peripheral toddler, and the female's unsettling gaze toward what I assume is Linda Blair elevated 5 feet above the mattress.

With that said, Happy Easter!

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